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Stroke Awareness Month

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Did you know that trouble seeing in one or both eyes can be a sign of a stroke? According to the American Stroke Association, by learning the warning signs you can help save a life from a stroke. Below are the F.A.S.T. Warning Signs that can help you spot a stroke:

F – Face Drooping. One side of the face may droop or feel numb.

A – Arm Weakness. One arm may feel weak or numb.

S – Speech Difficulty. Trouble speaking or slurring words.

T – Time to Call 911. If any of these symptoms appear, you must act fast and call for help.

In addition to these symptoms, one may also experience confusion, severe headaches, trouble walking or even trouble seeing. The University of Pennsylvania also indicates other visual symptoms of a stroke may include loss of vision in one eye, dark area or shadow in their vision, loss of visual contrast and sensitivity to light. It’s important to talk to your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

Now that you know the warning signs, let’s review the most important part, stroke prevention!

Your risk factors and lifestyle play a huge role in your overall health, not just risks for a stroke. High blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, diet, cholesterol, and various heart diseases are all factors that can be managed to help reduce your risks. The American Stroke Association also provides some great tips on creating a healthier lifestyle, how to change eating habits, and ways to increase physical activity. Check out Let’s Talk About Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Stroke at to learn more.

During Stroke Awareness Month, take charge of your health and reach out to your doctor if you have any questions!

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